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How To Racing Hub

This guide is your pit stop for getting started, making sure you're set to navigate through our platform with ease. If you have any more questions or just want to chat and share ideas with other sim racers, our Discord community is the place for you.

Step 1

Getting Started

Sign up for THE RACING HUB and activate your account to enjoy free access to the platform! Download and install the client app on your PC, then log in with your account credentials. The client app runs in the background, automatically connecting to your sim and recording as soon as you initiate a new session. After you finish, it promptly uploads the data to the cloud. You can set up the client to send Windows notifications about its activities, so you always know what's happening without having to open the app.


Visit the MyProgress page in the account manager to view your uploaded sessions, laps, and time used.

Client Overview
Step 2

Browse And Select Data

Click on the Dashboard link on the website to explore the Session Overview Dashboard, where you'll find both your data and that of other users. Utilize various sorting options and apply individual search filters to pinpoint sessions of interest. There are two types of selectors for you to choose up to two sessions: select 'Source' to analyze a single session, and additionally choose a 'Reference' if you wish to compare your Source selection to it.

Session Overview
Step 3

Analyse And Compare Sessions

After selecting sessions in the Session Overview, delve into detailed analysis in the Race Track Dashboard by choosing a lap to examine. Effortlessly zoom into track segments and interactively explore race lines with various data like oversteer. Observe controls and monitor telemetry data evolution to gain deeper insights into your performance.

Analyze and compare

Analysis Feature

The following figures describe a selection of important analysis features available in the Race Track Dashboard.

Analyze and compare

Interactive Race Track Map

Analysis tasks using the track map:

Check where you hit the apex. Compare velocities at corner exit. Check which gear you selected. Analyse your brake zone.


  • Toggle through presets using the caroussel at top.
  • Drag and zoom like in google maps. Use double click to reset.
  • Toggle between Source and Reference highlighting.
  • Observe the time differences at different track positions.
Analyze and compare

Track Segments Minimap

Analysis tasks using the minimap:

Identify your slowest track segments. Zoom in and analyse using the Race Track Map.


  • Inspect the segement times of your Source session lap.
  • Review time differences to the Reference session.
  • Click and zoom into track segments. Double click to reset.